Unsual times call for different measures…
Covid-19, the lockdown and the continue social distancing rules have decimated existing economic models for many business sectors. Companies have lost any ability to control the in-person interactions between a customer and a brand or service or product.
Before the pandemic, most companies knew that they needed to be “doing more online”:
- smaller “real-world” companies often lacked the scale to feel that an expanded digital offering made sense;
- larger companies were often hamstrung by legacy systems and hierarchies, managerial turf wars, limited digital knowledge or experience in upper management etc, resulting frequently in sub-optimal digital response.
Having spent my entire career as a digital-solutions professional, I have spent much of the last six months responding to calls and emails from friends and acquaintances, asking for thoughts and solutions to digital service problems across multiple business sectors and models.
This consulting service is a response to this demand.
Time to get Digital
Digital transformation is not a luxury, it is a must – and recent events have demonstrated the need to accelerate this transformation